The Architect.
Salad Days.


  • September 27, 2024 at 12:25 am
    William Henry

    (( our founding fathers would be shooting by now )).

  • September 27, 2024 at 4:51 am
    Unca Walt

    My problem is described well in “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”

    “I’m gonna kill somebody. I dunno who, but I’m gonna kill somebody.”

    In my eyes, America is dying of cancer, not combat. How do you stand and fight cancer? It is in every part of America’s body… and nowhere an American can physically reach.

    • September 27, 2024 at 6:27 am

      Get involved locally, with your school board, city council, county commissioners, sheriff election, State representatives and State senators. Watch your local and State initiatives.

      Sometimes, just sometimes, your State will stand against the Feds…..

  • September 27, 2024 at 5:42 am

    We might be surprised soon at the number of Blues, from grassroot to high-profile, defecting…

  • September 27, 2024 at 7:03 am
    Shooter 2.5

    The interesting part is the democrat party was and is the party of slavery. They are importing millions of desperate and hungry people willing to do anything to survive. The honest ones will work under the table for less minimum wage and the dishonest ones are willing to kill, rob and rape. The first ones are used for slavery and the second are used for instilling fear so the dems have more control over a frightened populace. A dishonest dem politician’s greatest asset is fear from frightened people who constantly willingly give more power to the government.

  • September 27, 2024 at 7:44 am

    Lyndon started the modern mess, all while distracting the populace with a war and all of the JCS went along with it because their budgets were held as blackmail. No way in Hell McNamara should be interred in Arlington. NFW. Traitors to America but loyal to the party. Twisted shite.

    • September 27, 2024 at 12:18 pm

      He…LBJ, sure as hell distracted me with a war. I stayed in college which kept up my H1 (???) draft deferment, but graduation loomed. I’d been to a pre-induction physical up in Chicago which I stomped out of, cursing the army and the government all the way. At that point I had one more test to do to see if I was fit for cannon fodder, the psych evaluation; maybe I flunked it? The first draft lottery got me out of Nam and led to a dozen years of graduate engineering and scientific education with research. There is a good bit more tooting my own horn I could do but please, we must stop this communist democrat government and their Rhino enablers in their push towards all out war. Nobody wins the next one.
      Try a book by Annie Jacobson “Nuclear War” that I’m only 2/5 done with but already know there are many ways to write the ending. The effect of the isotopic ratio of Li6 to Li7 sure humbled some of the best minds of those watching the first H-bomb light up! I refused to design them.

  • September 27, 2024 at 8:00 am
    Son of Valkyrie

    Ironically, Pat Moynihan (a democrat) predicted all this in a paper showing where the welfare state would lead. It was so accurate it got him ostracized from the Democratic Party.

  • September 27, 2024 at 9:09 am
    The Nth Doctor

    “—They will own nothing, and Americans will be happy.”

    …until the Blue states’ incompetence and sociopolitical chaos inevitably causes them to run out of money, food, energy, and every other vital resource, and they turn to someplace like China to bail them out. Then Red-State America has to deal with the specter of Chinese vassal states right on our front doorstep.

    (A scenario which drove the plot of one of the novels in Kurt Schlicter’s “People’s Republic” series. Those books would make a killing at the box office if someone made them into movies, but no Hollyweird studio would dare touch them, I’m sure.)

    • September 27, 2024 at 10:04 am
      John D. Egbert

      There are circa 80 million veterans in this Great Republic, at least half of whom could return to the field tomorrow. Not quite the “. . .rifle behind every blade of grass . . .” ADM Yamamoto warned his superiors awaited any invasion attempt in 1940, but should be sufficient to the moment.

      And, then, there is also the “Red Dawn” scenario . . .

  • September 27, 2024 at 10:50 am
    cb ~

    Simple fix to it all – ENFORCE existing laws. Can’t expect bad behavior to change without consequences.

  • September 27, 2024 at 11:20 am

    Some terrific comments here today,
    IMHO the real culprits which are
    perpetrating the downfall to a thinly
    hidden ‘Deep State’ of Marxism is the
    extremely Biased ‘Main Stream Media’.
    If they told it like it is, Trump would win

  • September 27, 2024 at 6:08 pm
    Jim Smith

    Heh. Chris has been reading Kurt Schlichter’s fiction thrillers about the Blue states and Red states splitting apart (cf. “Indian country,” “People’s Republic” and others; in the Red States the capitol of the country is in Dallas, and you can’t vote unless you served in the Red State military—“carrying a rifle”—for at least two years.

    Good stuff, Chris!



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