

  • September 24, 2023 at 12:23 am

    Already had one too many tragedies on the road. Nice if those two would buckle up.

    • September 24, 2023 at 12:03 pm

      And take the ZZ Top shades off for night driving.

      Also, a lot of people in the referenced story had to lose their heads for the good guys to prevail.

  • September 24, 2023 at 4:33 am

    How many memes and other items have we seen comparing the huge number of “snowflakes” today to say only one example, of all the youth that hit Omaha Beach? Being from The Frozen Tundra I can say that snow comes in many different conditions and changes form with different ages. All of it can kill you. We gave it many names of which almost all are, mmm, impolite. It happily “occurs” interfering with our work in life, is difficult to exist with, and we have to deal with it in many ways incurring wrath at the unreasoning burden we then live with or die.

  • September 24, 2023 at 4:54 am
    Unca Walt

    Chris… Ya keep channeling this ole sojer.

  • September 24, 2023 at 7:36 am

    “A parasite, it destroys its host by excreting hypocrisy, virtue signaling, division, self-adoration, victimhood, emotional and logical incoherence.”

    And violence. No progressive has ever been able to resist the urge to kill when the opportunity presented itself.

    The “siren call of ‘cleansing violence'” is one every one hears inside their head.

    And their justification is their privilege of forcing everyone else to submit to their “superior consciousness”.

    These are the hallmarks of a cult.

    clear ether


  • September 24, 2023 at 7:51 am
    William Henry

    There’s always the rendering plant or a industrial wood chipper for these parasites…. They could be used as field fertilizer then.

  • September 24, 2023 at 8:14 am
    The 300

    “With heart, faith and skill…”

    So sayeth Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez.

    • September 25, 2023 at 10:48 am

      “…we shall fight on the beaches,
      we shall fight on the landing grounds,
      we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
      we shall fight in the hills;
      we shall never surrender…”
      ___Sir Winston Churchill.

      I fear I shall not survive to see this recur (again) here. But being Old School, I would dearly love being part of it.

  • September 24, 2023 at 9:10 am
    cb ~

    What, who is following the car with no lights on? Or am I seeing things (again)?

  • September 24, 2023 at 9:39 am
    David M

    Well said.

  • September 24, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Forgot to include LIES.

  • September 24, 2023 at 9:43 am

    Democrats are reverting to type – founding a neo- Confederacy. California is the new South Carolina. Add, Oregon, Washington state and Hawaii to complete the set. New York state and the New England states are the new border states like Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland were. The old confederacy possessed a small extremely wealthy class, a tiny middle class, forced labor and large numbers of whites and free blacks in poverty. The cotton plantation owners and factors such as Lehman Brothers, who traded in cotton, made up the wealthy class. The small middle class included doctors, lawyers, larger shop owners and few others that catered to the wealthy. Forced labor depressed the wages of most others. Now, wealthy donors understand that hiring cheap labor is more cost effective than enslaving a person. Forced labor tend to work only enough to keep from being punished and the owner must care for them. California’s wealthy class are mostly those in IT, show business and a few industries. Lawyers and doctors, who cater to the aforementioned, form the upper middle class. The wealthy use imported labor to depress IT wages at one end and unskilled labor to keep their mansions with well manicured lawns and spick and span – mimicking forced labor of old. Use of such depresses the wages of a dwindling middle class. Add, rising taxes and either those in the middle class become poor or leave the state. California has 12 percent of the nation’s population. But, one-third of the homeless and one-third of those on welfare. Again, a modern version of the old confederacy, complete with rebellious state governments.

    • September 24, 2023 at 12:20 pm

      Ironic, isn’t it, that something called the new confederacy functions as the exact opposite of the old one?

      While R’s and D’s were (and are, increasingly), irrelevant to the usurpations of the elite class, the ones that want at any and all cost to keep the means of production under the thumb of the means of distribution? That in a nutshell was the cause of CW2, and come to think about it, CWI also.

      And not much different except geography from what is surely shaping up to be the necessity of CW3

      That Lincoln and his enablers were Republicans does NOT indicate they were in any way right, and that the CSA was mostly Democrat does NOT indicate they were in any way wrong, “forced labor” being an outlier that was in the process of being eliminated when it was used as an excuse to invade and steal the assets and the control of the PEOPLE, murdering untold numbers of them…what could be more analogous to the current excuse of using The Trump to do whatever it takes to maintain the money and control?

      Forget “parties”. It is and forever has been about the money and control.

      Always follow the money and control.

      • September 24, 2023 at 12:45 pm

        Which leads me to say that Travis and the ‘toon entire premise is wrong.

        There can be, should be, and almost certainly will be TWO when the parasites are RIPPED from the body of the Republic and Freedom.

        Give them their shithole cities and their various diseases to do with as they will, with the warning that as their supplies dwindle they will be shot on sight as any invaders should be if they attempt any kind of theft or force.


  • September 24, 2023 at 10:03 am

    Good points all. Unfortunately unlike the 1850’s, this Confederacy of Dunces controls both the means of production and a significant portion of the population. They also control the media (USSR/1930’s Germany) which herds the sheeple in a particular harmful direction. No critical thinking, no means of producing what they need to survive, outsourcing both labor and raw materials …

    As to the rendering? Soylent Green anyone? Don’t chop up the parasites as they may replicate like weeds on the wind.

  • September 24, 2023 at 10:05 am

    Chis –

    You channeling Conner McLeod? HA!


  • September 24, 2023 at 1:12 pm
  • September 24, 2023 at 1:50 pm
    Jim Smith

    Chris, as usual, is Exactly. Spot. On. He may have also seen this spectacular recent video with the pretty girl doing the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEwtGpVULk&t=10s




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