I’m sure the Army can work things into the expiration rotation.
I remember in Basic Training the only time I saw Lucky Strike Greens was from the C rations they gave us.
May 6, 2024 at 3:25 pm
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Ahhh, yes, the old cigarette C Rats.
Didn’t run into them too often, but once in awhile.
And no, I didn’t smoke the cigarettes, they were too old and crumbly by then.
(although, if I’d been desperate enough, I might have tried to re-moisturize the tobacco and then re-roll it/tamp it into a pipe. but I was never that addicted)
Once upon a time we were taked to provide EOD support where the subject was barricaded into a house and claimed to have explosives.
One of our tools at the time was the ‘wheelbarrow’, a wire controlled tracked vehicle with a remotely operated ‘claw’ on a jointed arm along with some other attached tools for ‘rendering safe’ procedures.
Either the subject demanded pizza or the police decided to give him one as a ‘good will’ gesture, I can’t remember which, it was 40+years ago and I wasn’t on call that day so I missed it but saw the film afterward.
The ‘wheelbarrow’ trundled up to the door and waited patiently, the door opened a crack and a hand stretched out to take the pizza from the claw…revealing the Remington 1100 bolted to the arm as one of the tools used for gaining access through locked doors or disrupting packages although the also attached water ‘disruptor’ worked better for that. A few short commands over the attached speaker sorted the situation out with little more fuss
Be careful what you demand, you may be delivered more than you asked for.
On FascistBook (yeah, I’m still on there) someone suggested feeding them bacon and Bud Lite. I was horrified by the concept of wasting perfectly good bacon and suggested feeding them bug-burgers instead. Bugs and Bud…
Go ahead and feed them- – – – -all the pizza they can eat- – – – -laced with the strongest dose of laxatives possible. Very few people can maintain their pompous protest composure while they’re having projectile diarrhea! Powerful emetics work well, also!
Be generous. Send ’em two MREs per person per day.
Should be the same at gitmo!
Send them the old first generation, dark brown bag, “four fingers of death” MREs.
I’m sure the Army can work things into the expiration rotation.
I remember in Basic Training the only time I saw Lucky Strike Greens was from the C rations they gave us.
Ahhh, yes, the old cigarette C Rats.
Didn’t run into them too often, but once in awhile.
And no, I didn’t smoke the cigarettes, they were too old and crumbly by then.
(although, if I’d been desperate enough, I might have tried to re-moisturize the tobacco and then re-roll it/tamp it into a pipe. but I was never that addicted)
Stick with the Islamic diet variations…
The silver lining is that, since they belong to the party of spaying and neutering children, they won’t be replaced.
That’s why they use the schools to recruit our kids.
The leftist help wanted ads they answered probably claimed the riots would be catered.
They can’t afford the caterer. Too expensive after the minimum wage hikes.
There is a cyclic madness the rears up in humans.
The reason for WWI was ridiculous.
WWII was inevitable because of WWI “victors” terms laid on Germany, and US/European colonization of the Far East.
The magnitude and time between the madness breaking out has climbed for impact, and shortened for cycle.
We are now in “interesting times”, no error.
No border, crazy money, weird sexes, outright wrongdoing at every level by politicians… and escalating war.
It won’t be long before there is a trigger event. When you think on it, you see it is so.
The “Crazy Years” are here…..
Robert Heinlein was a seer.
Zar Belk!
Once upon a time we were taked to provide EOD support where the subject was barricaded into a house and claimed to have explosives.
One of our tools at the time was the ‘wheelbarrow’, a wire controlled tracked vehicle with a remotely operated ‘claw’ on a jointed arm along with some other attached tools for ‘rendering safe’ procedures.
Either the subject demanded pizza or the police decided to give him one as a ‘good will’ gesture, I can’t remember which, it was 40+years ago and I wasn’t on call that day so I missed it but saw the film afterward.
The ‘wheelbarrow’ trundled up to the door and waited patiently, the door opened a crack and a hand stretched out to take the pizza from the claw…revealing the Remington 1100 bolted to the arm as one of the tools used for gaining access through locked doors or disrupting packages although the also attached water ‘disruptor’ worked better for that. A few short commands over the attached speaker sorted the situation out with little more fuss
Be careful what you demand, you may be delivered more than you asked for.
How much did he tip?
Tell the ‘protestors’ we are not allowed to feed the animals.
“I am not programmed to respond in that area…”
Zar Belk!
“Still crazy after all these years”,
Sometimes I have panic attacks … that I’m going sane.
That slop still looks better than the ‘Obama lunches’. Big Mike foisted on our kids.
We need to channel Judge Smalls from “Caddyshack”:
“You’ll get NOTHING, and LIKE it!”
Just flood ‘em with standard MREs and even some Spam canned meat … just like what our American G.I.s ate in foxholes and on lifeboats during wartime.
Those sniveling Ivy League Hamas punks would immediately surrender.
On FascistBook (yeah, I’m still on there) someone suggested feeding them bacon and Bud Lite. I was horrified by the concept of wasting perfectly good bacon and suggested feeding them bug-burgers instead. Bugs and Bud…
I know three frogs that would be REAL happy with that!
Ring them with Concertina.
ONE Exit.
NO food or water in.
Food & water to each individual as they surrender to Law Enforcement.
They can “demand” all they want.
I can ignore demands.
I raised children.
Go ahead and feed them- – – – -all the pizza they can eat- – – – -laced with the strongest dose of laxatives possible. Very few people can maintain their pompous protest composure while they’re having projectile diarrhea! Powerful emetics work well, also!
Perhaps I remember coating ExLax with glazes and chocolate and leaving them out for the candy stealers in the office. Or not.
Welcome to 2024… says ‘Woke Jesus’