

  • September 24, 2024 at 12:06 am
    • September 24, 2024 at 12:19 am

      Be interesting to see what you’d do to save your country. High morals only get you so far in the world of today.

      I read the so-called attack. He’s saying he doubts Trump understands the situation and that lots of people have claimed they could stop the war in a day until the dug deeper and found out it wasn’t that simple. He also signaled that Vance’s suggestion that they give up territory wasn’t going to fly.

      We’ll see what happens when/if Trump gets elected. I’m still not sure he’ll be allowed to, and given they’ve already signaled their willingness to see him dead, it’s by no means a sure thing he’ll even make it to November.

      IF he makes it, though, and If he gets reelected, he’s already stated that he’s not going to cut Ukraine off.

      The latest right wing talking points making the rounds are starting to make me ashamed to be called right wing (which I was formerly proud to wear the label of) I recognize the need to use the enemy’s tactics against them to a certain extent, but playing their reflexive blame game isn’t the way to go about it.

      • September 24, 2024 at 12:48 am
        Chris Muir

        NO attacking other commenters. Just make your point.

      • September 24, 2024 at 1:06 am

        I asked a hypothetical question. It wasn’t an attack. For instance, I’ll tell you what I’D do.

        I’d play whatever dirty games the people with the money demanded if it was to save my country. 10% to the big guy? To save my country, sure! Put on a clown show for the amusement of the guys with the weapons that’ll keep the Russians from conquering my land? Crank up the organ grinder, I’ll dance all day long. Support the guy more likely to keep sending me weapons and support? Absofuckinglutely. I’m not going to stand on my imaginary high ground and watch my country raped and destroyed to preserve my high moral fiber. I’m going to save my people.

        Asking those who are demeaning the guy for doing the same what they’d do in his place isn’t an attack, it’s a legitimate question. One I’d be very interested in hearing, truth be told.

        Look, Chris, it’s obvious that you and I do not agree on this war. I read your comic when you’re doing your anti-Ukraine things and cheering Russia on and grit my teeth and wait until you move to the next subject because I’ve been reading and enjoying DBD for 20 years, and we mostly agree on everything else, and I remember all the memes about shirtless Putin riding horses while feckless American politicians did what the feckless do.

        But if you’re asking me to just sit back and take it without commenting or correcting the narrative, I’d like to know right now, because then I’d have to reevaluate my support.

      • September 24, 2024 at 1:14 am

        Not a damn thing to do with right-wing left-wing or no fucking wing…

        That is NOT my circus and those are NOT my clowns*.

        As to what I would do to save my country (my circus)? Unknown at the moment but that is subject to change momentarily. But I will say this; morals might not go far anymore, but I will sure try to keep to them and I would hope that means I won’t go lying and begging others to run my circus and pay my clowns.

        *Wish I knew who I recently stole that from and I would credit him, but I don’t and I just love it so I’m stealing it anyway.

      • September 24, 2024 at 1:20 am
        Chris Muir

        ‘Be interesting to see what you’d do to save your country. ‘ That’s an attack. In my view, Ukraine is a brave nation that is used by the American illegitimate Deepstate as a Money laundering op. Zelenskyy is an American puppet used by our damn puppet Biden et al. Russia is our natural enemy, as is Britain, and both US political parties, undermining our Republic from day one.

        I want to save my people-AMERICANS, not Ukrainians, not Democrats, not Russians, not Deepstate Marxists. THEY take precedence and your corrections are not required here.

        Take a hike if that doesn’t comport with your views, you feel me?

    • September 24, 2024 at 1:38 am


      • September 24, 2024 at 1:47 am
        Chris Muir

        Cool. You keep your strong views and fight for them as I do. This is GOOD, and they are valuable. But here I stand with MINE.

  • September 24, 2024 at 12:42 am
    William Henry

    I saw a TSA agent take a sample of breast milk and put in a machine to analyze it… The whole line at the carry on x-ray area where laughing their asses off at him.
    The government stooge didn’t think it was funny.



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