My Indian Head ‘University of Bombs and Bullets’ Alumni shirt confuses the heck out of the youngun’s and a few oldun’s too, one tried to decipher the ‘Initio res secundae, aut summa calamitosus’ out loud
I should get a new one though, it seems to have shrunk over the years.
January 13, 2025 at 1:18 pm
More EOD: “If you see me running, try to keep up”. Not to imply that I am qualified to wear that.
They say that Sam Whittemore, the greatest hero of April 19th, 1775 which was fought when he was 80 years old, sired more children after the war even though he was shot in the face and run through with bayonets thirteen times by the Redcoats.
Huge fan of Dr Jordan Peterson… one of Canada’s best exports, IMHO.
One of his good friends is another prof, Dr Gad Saad whose book “Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense” is well worth the read.
Love the T-shirts. So Sam asks why she would want the old man. Well, as an old man, I don’t want any female that is definitely more toxic than me. That rules out the young ones. All of what were my wife’s friends that were not married. Going out of the USA now days only gets you females looking for a ticket here. And I’m to toxic to live with anymore.
Where are all the girls in the NFL? I mean the league is forcing commie training in spite of every corp that has tried such shit has been canned. They may think they are immune but I haven’t watched a game in years other than a couple of partial ones with my grandson the Bucs fan…anyway, this last vestige of DEI needs to DIE!
Maybe we toxic males should lean into it? How about a line of t-shirts on the theme. Things like:
“Toxic Never Looked So Good”
“Male by Nature, Toxic by Choice”
“Toxic Males Built All of This”
What say you, DBD regulars?
Sounds like a good fundraiser premium…Include pictures of Zed and the other Toxic Brothers!
Zar Belk!
How about “Testoxic-saurus Rex”? A dinosaur with a raging libido!
Good ideas here!
“Just because I’m old, don’t think you’re out of range”.
Another favorite–
I have 2 of those, plus one that says:
“Never underestimate an old man who flew in a Huey!”
The background is 3 Huey’s landing in what look like rice paddies.
I’m partial to the SCUBA version. At 72 I’m the oldest, most experienced member of two dive teams, and going strong and deep!
Zar Belk!
I still wear my EOD T-shirts to confuse civvies
I have the hoodie for this one in red
My Indian Head ‘University of Bombs and Bullets’ Alumni shirt confuses the heck out of the youngun’s and a few oldun’s too, one tried to decipher the ‘Initio res secundae, aut summa calamitosus’ out loud
I should get a new one though, it seems to have shrunk over the years.
More EOD: “If you see me running, try to keep up”. Not to imply that I am qualified to wear that.
It’s been done. There are numerous others.
If you and your kids are poppin’ out bambinos at the same time, you ain’t old.
They say that Sam Whittemore, the greatest hero of April 19th, 1775 which was fought when he was 80 years old, sired more children after the war even though he was shot in the face and run through with bayonets thirteen times by the Redcoats.
Yahbut, the ladies have it tougher.
I’m bettin’ he didn’t do it with an 80-year-old wife.
My favorite is “I didn’t get to be this old by being slow, stupid, or a bad shot.”
I’ll go with that one.
What could be more “toxic” than Deplorable Pepe the Frog,
Seegar hanging, AR holding, them eyes watching…
I appreciate the badassery that can grow from mil service, but it is not exclusivel to being a dangerous man..
In his words:
“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.”
But he also understands that in our current world it is even more important to know and be prepared for this:
“But if you think good and tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what bad and weak men are capable of…”
“His words” being those of Doctor Peterson…
Very bright man.
Huge fan of Dr Jordan Peterson… one of Canada’s best exports, IMHO.
One of his good friends is another prof, Dr Gad Saad whose book “Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense” is well worth the read.
And he is currently working on a book tentatively titled “Pathological Empathy”
Love the T-shirts. So Sam asks why she would want the old man. Well, as an old man, I don’t want any female that is definitely more toxic than me. That rules out the young ones. All of what were my wife’s friends that were not married. Going out of the USA now days only gets you females looking for a ticket here. And I’m to toxic to live with anymore.
Where are all the girls in the NFL? I mean the league is forcing commie training in spite of every corp that has tried such shit has been canned. They may think they are immune but I haven’t watched a game in years other than a couple of partial ones with my grandson the Bucs fan…anyway, this last vestige of DEI needs to DIE!
Well if Sam done wore the old man out too much for her needs, Sister Skye will be happy with the sloppy seconds or thirds…
I’m sure that will work out just fine…