I love the way she whined at the robber, “How’m I gonna call muh KIDZ without muh CELL PHONE?” Like she was delusional enough to expect him to just turn around, return it, and apologize.
I love The Boxer getting in on the harvest of what she has grown. Justice, but she seems to be beyond understanding. But have no fear, when all is said and done, it will be “Whitey’s” fault. Or Trump’s.
The PC woke systemic racism critical race theory is that white folk created al of the conditions that resulted in those young people doing what they have done to white Barbara boxer and to all of their other identified victims of whatever inter-sectional persuasion over the last few weeks, and of any other evil that the youths have done in their lives.
A conclusion of those thinking that way: “They are idiots!” Dangerous idiots to the world and nation.
The border is open to all such criminals, as well as to all properly native born criminals.
Segue – If we ever apply the 14th Amendment then all of the children of all such illegally present individuals will be expelled along with those illegally present here. But applying the law is not the forte of those apparently seeming to be in power.
Boxer’s problem: Being an apparent prey woman walking alone with valuable property in Oakland, a Democrat ruled city for ages, What could go wrong?
The press Spokesman said that the government would have to take actions that the Constitution does not empower. She said that situations would require such actions, and that they would take the actions requires.
Cyber acts fits that previous statement by the Press Secretary.
If memory serves, The Constitution provides We The People solutions to such government inspired situations.
July 27, 2021 at 11:04 pm
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
The Declaration of Independence has a better solution. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another……”
July 27, 2021 at 10:58 pm
Article 1, section 8 clearly defines the limited powers that We the People have delegated to the Congress. It fixes the scope of the laws that the Congress can passes, and that the Executive can then “faithfully execute “.
July 27, 2021 at 10:43 am
Warrior’s eyes full of purest rage
Steel cutting flesh
Spilling guts and severing heads
Sending men to their death
I wonder if Sam has preloaded turkey fryers in place for SAM’s
Bringing a helicopter down isn’t really that hard if you know how
The hard part is keeping it up there in the first place…
A fat lady singing.
Meanwhile … in a moment of karma a nasty old lady gets mugged.
Boxer’s chickens … coming home to roost.
I love the way she whined at the robber, “How’m I gonna call muh KIDZ without muh CELL PHONE?” Like she was delusional enough to expect him to just turn around, return it, and apologize.
“It would be nice if we had some foot patrol police.”. I could swear your party wants to defund the police. You can’t have both!
All about that bass
Hope Henry Bowman is on overwatch with his Solothurn.
dammit beat me to it LOL
Thats one valkarie you may not wish to ride…
I’m waiting for the jalapeno golf balls.
Fecal matter vs. fan soon to commence.
Yes, but what I’m hearing is The Dance of the Water Nymphs from Catalani’s Lorely.
I love The Boxer getting in on the harvest of what she has grown. Justice, but she seems to be beyond understanding. But have no fear, when all is said and done, it will be “Whitey’s” fault. Or Trump’s.
The PC woke systemic racism critical race theory is that white folk created al of the conditions that resulted in those young people doing what they have done to white Barbara boxer and to all of their other identified victims of whatever inter-sectional persuasion over the last few weeks, and of any other evil that the youths have done in their lives.
A conclusion of those thinking that way: “They are idiots!” Dangerous idiots to the world and nation.
The border is open to all such criminals, as well as to all properly native born criminals.
Segue – If we ever apply the 14th Amendment then all of the children of all such illegally present individuals will be expelled along with those illegally present here. But applying the law is not the forte of those apparently seeming to be in power.
Boxer’s problem: Being an apparent prey woman walking alone with valuable property in Oakland, a Democrat ruled city for ages, What could go wrong?
LOL Chris, very sophisticated reference to a movie scene. Very slick!
I wonder who will supply the equivalent of the B-52 strike.
Chris, please tell us about the early warning radar at the fully armed and functional DD Ranch…
Perhaps a bit like the Iron Dome Phalanx guns…..
Well, since nobody has done it yet…
Panel one, around 2:20 in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k26hmRbDQFw
Panel two, well the whole thing really: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30QzJKCUekQ
Requiem of the Stingers.
Gorgeous artwork! Simply gorgeous! Both God’s and Chris’. Gorgeous!
I wonder if Jo has a phalanx CIWS…Could be a hot reception.
Here’s Quid Pro Joe trying to emulate BJ Clinton’s raid on the Branch Davidians that killed 76 on 19 Apr 93
The attack directly resulted in Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Murrah Building in OKC two years later.
Wonder what will come from this raid?
And the fat lady is about to sing for this “Deep State” scumbag … this might be a rare instance of justice being served.
Savor the moment … it won’t last long.
And Death of Freedom rode the Digital Horse
The press Spokesman said that the government would have to take actions that the Constitution does not empower. She said that situations would require such actions, and that they would take the actions requires.
Cyber acts fits that previous statement by the Press Secretary.
If memory serves, The Constitution provides We The People solutions to such government inspired situations.
The Declaration of Independence has a better solution. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another……”
Article 1, section 8 clearly defines the limited powers that We the People have delegated to the Congress. It fixes the scope of the laws that the Congress can passes, and that the Executive can then “faithfully execute “.
Warrior’s eyes full of purest rage
Steel cutting flesh
Spilling guts and severing heads
Sending men to their death
Ride, ride, ride Valkyries
Ride, ride, ride Valkyries
Smithers, release the Hounds… with extra Tabasco…
I’m pretty sure with 2 fully functional Terminator “beings”, and a really smart kid, they can handle almost anything.
I wonder if Sam has preloaded turkey fryers in place for SAM’s
Bringing a helicopter down isn’t really that hard if you know how
The hard part is keeping it up there in the first place…
Too many leaves, Lily pads, etc, in that pond to suit me….. And they’re always in crucial places!
At least Chris isn’t making them lickable
“Play the Wagner!”
“Heh, Heh!”
With deepest apologies to Robert Duval.
Biden* is about to get his butt wiped again: https://nationalfile.com/mybuttsbeenwiped-trends-after-latest-bizarre-sleepy-joe-meltdown/
You’re forgetting about the 300 T-bots, Tabasco, and the DAWGs…
I wonder about Jo. ….how far can she send her body “fletchettes”, and can they penetrate a Huey skin? Ditto for The Dude.