No worries, Zed had them left over from when he was a kid. They didn’t have red tips on them then. I have a BB pistol that could pass for a 1911 easily.
April 24, 2020 at 7:56 am
I’ve got a CO-2 replica that is made to look like a Wather, the slide even cycles when fired. Great for maintaining proficiency on a 25-ft range in the basement.
Skye you should be grateful that Spot has such a stellar male role model in his life.
If you are really nice, Uncle Zed might buy Spot a gun for his fifth birthday and properly train him in it use, while sharing a few stories about Marshall Wade to illustrate what a man should be.
Let me take this OT chance to compliment your DBD family tree, helpful and well done. Any that haven’t seen it should click on the “about” tab and scroll to the bottom.
That should be helpful for Chris hisownself too, as I recall he has occasionally lost track of his own spawn.
You know one of the best things about this place is that we all help create it in some small way. It is a living breathing manifestation of life in America from the viewpoint of good men and women.
Spot? Maybe Skye went Shakespearean on us during labor and delivery and yelled “Out damned Spot” – and the name stuck?
Why do people do that to their kids?
April 25, 2020 at 1:08 am
Jefferson A Selvy
Lady MacBeth, not good optics but very democrat -like
April 24, 2020 at 12:18 am
Don D.
Shot my first rifle when I was 5. Played with cap guns and water pistols from my earliest memories. Took the NRA Gun Safety Class at age 10. Was breaking down and cleaning all kinds of firearms when I was 12 at the local home store that taught me electronics and gun care. Both have served mr well in the last 48+ years.
It seems like the curve approaching a horizontal asymptote … keeps getting nearer. but never gets there. She needs another breakthrough event to get through that.
As you will see proven once again when the lockdowns end, and buybacks disarm most of our shiny new gun owners.
April 25, 2020 at 1:11 am
Jefferson A Selvy
I’ve been reading that the FBI is using state office closures to deny NICS checks. Not really surprised, FEDGOV made their institutional attitude clear with the Gunwalker fiasco.
April 24, 2020 at 6:52 am
A lefty in a conservative world….she doesn’t stand a chance….funny stuff….
On the topic of guns and ammo … some GREAT news coming out of the People’s Republic of California.
US District Judge Benítez has issued an injunction against the state of California preventing the state from enforcing ammunition restrictions and rules against law-abiding gun owners in the state. California is PROHIBITED from enforcing the laws (including the background check provisions and anti-importation provisions) within Prop 63 and SB 1235 while the case is litigated.
In the meantime I am doing some online ammo purchases today because I feel liberated … despite living in SoCal with high taxes, continued CCPVirus quarantine rules, etc.
Just had an order cancelled until the place I ordered some ammo from reviews the ruling.
April 25, 2020 at 3:04 pm
I’ve always been a big fan of the .357. When I turned 21 (thousands of years ago), I purchased a S&W model 27, bright-blue finish.. I’ll never part with it.
April 24, 2020 at 9:57 pm
I refer to it as the PLANET of California, but your choice.
Along the Pacific Coast trail (NOT the Pacific Coast Highway) would pretty much take care of the Liberal Coast vs. the Conservative Inland, though you might want to run parts of it along the Coast Range – just East of Santa Barbara, for example.
Umarex Glock 19…dead ringer in looks features and even weight, with a co2 mechanism. So good that my son the custom jeweler and me in my shop each have one in an uncle mike’s and lying visibly and obviously on the shelf behind the counter…lures for bad guys who might figure they’re safe if they get between us and it and block access. They would be wrong, but thanks to God it was never tested in that eay, but might well have worked as a deterrent many times.
Not a toy for tots though, or even a careless adult…flash that thing in hand with the wrong person (popo or an unknown carrier), and you can pay for that stupidity with your life.
Fun though and useful in the right context, amazing replication of just about any popular platform, and most run well under 100 bucks.
What? No Orange tips?
On The Water Pistols!
Dammit, that’s a good catch!
Be careful, boys that age have their own squirt guns – just take a warm diaper off in a cold room…
No worries, Zed had them left over from when he was a kid. They didn’t have red tips on them then. I have a BB pistol that could pass for a 1911 easily.
I’ve got a CO-2 replica that is made to look like a Wather, the slide even cycles when fired. Great for maintaining proficiency on a 25-ft range in the basement.
Zar Belk!
The tykes thought they wuz gumdrops. But yuck!
Skye you should be grateful that Spot has such a stellar male role model in his life.
If you are really nice, Uncle Zed might buy Spot a gun for his fifth birthday and properly train him in it use, while sharing a few stories about Marshall Wade to illustrate what a man should be.
Correct TT, training and education are the key.
Let me take this OT chance to compliment your DBD family tree, helpful and well done. Any that haven’t seen it should click on the “about” tab and scroll to the bottom.
That should be helpful for Chris hisownself too, as I recall he has occasionally lost track of his own spawn.
You know one of the best things about this place is that we all help create it in some small way. It is a living breathing manifestation of life in America from the viewpoint of good men and women.
I about weep every time I hear that poor kid’s name.
This all happened while Skye was at the ranch, right? Surely everybody in residence piled on her not to do such a cruel thing?
Spot? Maybe Skye went Shakespearean on us during labor and delivery and yelled “Out damned Spot” – and the name stuck?
Why do people do that to their kids?
Lady MacBeth, not good optics but very democrat -like
Shot my first rifle when I was 5. Played with cap guns and water pistols from my earliest memories. Took the NRA Gun Safety Class at age 10. Was breaking down and cleaning all kinds of firearms when I was 12 at the local home store that taught me electronics and gun care. Both have served mr well in the last 48+ years.
My how the times have changed!
Not where I live. And particularly not this week. Training starts Monday.
Are those teething approved?
Good question!
(Might want a blunderbuss arrangement on the muzzle so they can’t get that part in their mouth.)
Skye’s learning curve doesn’t seem to have much of a curve… more of a flat line with occasion spurious data points…
It seems like the curve approaching a horizontal asymptote … keeps getting nearer. but never gets there. She needs another breakthrough event to get through that.
Ahhhh, that blessed flattened curve.
I don’t see any flattening of Skye’s curves. Thank goodness.
Skye didn’t seem to mind the rough men who stood ready to do violence on her behalf a few years ago when she was being stalked.
Selective memory is a specialty of the Left.
As you will see proven once again when the lockdowns end, and buybacks disarm most of our shiny new gun owners.
I’ve been reading that the FBI is using state office closures to deny NICS checks. Not really surprised, FEDGOV made their institutional attitude clear with the Gunwalker fiasco.
A lefty in a conservative world….she doesn’t stand a chance….funny stuff….
On the topic of guns and ammo … some GREAT news coming out of the People’s Republic of California.
US District Judge Benítez has issued an injunction against the state of California preventing the state from enforcing ammunition restrictions and rules against law-abiding gun owners in the state. California is PROHIBITED from enforcing the laws (including the background check provisions and anti-importation provisions) within Prop 63 and SB 1235 while the case is litigated.
In the meantime I am doing some online ammo purchases today because I feel liberated … despite living in SoCal with high taxes, continued CCPVirus quarantine rules, etc.
Buy more guns … buy more ammo. Live free.
Read more at:
.357 Mag 158 Grain JSP
Just had an order cancelled until the place I ordered some ammo from reviews the ruling.
I’ve always been a big fan of the .357. When I turned 21 (thousands of years ago), I purchased a S&W model 27, bright-blue finish.. I’ll never part with it.
I refer to it as the PLANET of California, but your choice.
“Build the Wall”- – – – -on the eastern border of Commiefornia!
As newly relocated 100 miles inland, the rest is New Calexit!
Along the Pacific Coast trail (NOT the Pacific Coast Highway) would pretty much take care of the Liberal Coast vs. the Conservative Inland, though you might want to run parts of it along the Coast Range – just East of Santa Barbara, for example.
Umarex Glock 19…dead ringer in looks features and even weight, with a co2 mechanism. So good that my son the custom jeweler and me in my shop each have one in an uncle mike’s and lying visibly and obviously on the shelf behind the counter…lures for bad guys who might figure they’re safe if they get between us and it and block access. They would be wrong, but thanks to God it was never tested in that eay, but might well have worked as a deterrent many times.
Not a toy for tots though, or even a careless adult…flash that thing in hand with the wrong person (popo or an unknown carrier), and you can pay for that stupidity with your life.
Fun though and useful in the right context, amazing replication of just about any popular platform, and most run well under 100 bucks.
Squirt squirt! You’re wet!