Gonna be real “interesting” to see who actually MEANT it, and who’s just virtue signalling…….or in other words who’s serious and who’s fulla crap!!
Don’t these leftist idiots understand that the more of them threatening to leave the US if Trump won gave SOOOOO many people even MORE REASON TO VOTE FOR HIM!!!
You are right as usual, Mr. Woodman. What I haven’t seen is no one mentions that even though one leaves the country, they are still a citizen and subject to our laws… and taxes. They would first have to find a country that would take them and become a citizen of that country. Then renounce their US citizenship. Then insure there is no extradition. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks for your insight.
To the guilty, “justice” can look a LOT like retribution (EVERY convicted criminal is the victim of “retribution” after all). And besides, the guilty fleeith where no man pursues (or something like that).
I’m hearing Trump used an executive order to gut Affirmative Action and the usual suspects are melting down. Maybe the +50 years of race grifting are finally winding down.
Another EO that needs revoking: On January 17, 1962, JFK signed Executive Order 10988, which granted federal employees the right to join unions and engage in collective bargaining over conditions of employment.
‘bama didn’t get a pardon
killary didn’t get a pardon
aoc didn’t get a pardon
most cabinet didn’t get a pardon
lots of people didn’t get pardons
lots were counting on them
lots of records to be gone through
lots of laws to be belatedly applied
much fun to be had
No it isn’t.
But a secure extended tour of Gitmo for Bobo there? Yeah, that’s retribution. For us.
Why not? I hear Slow Joe opened up some beds there.
GITMO is far more pleasant than they deserve. Perhaps Shemya or Adak, Alaska instead.
Better yet, maybe President Trump’s interest in Greenland is because Thule is such a charming place.
P-Mountain is the place to be at Thule.
It ain’t about the climate — it’s about the accommodations.
Sparrvohn AFS Alaska has/had both.
To all the elites’ who swore they would leave the country if Trump won…
You still here?
clear ether
A lot of them can’t even take the hint when their house burns down.
Gonna be real “interesting” to see who actually MEANT it, and who’s just virtue signalling…….or in other words who’s serious and who’s fulla crap!!
Don’t these leftist idiots understand that the more of them threatening to leave the US if Trump won gave SOOOOO many people even MORE REASON TO VOTE FOR HIM!!!
“Doing it in a very classy way.”
Maybe serve him the poison hemlock in only the finest of cut crystal stemware?
The Vessel with the Pestle has the pellet that is poison!
Zar Belk!
The Chalice from the Palace has the brew that is true!
Gotta love the Classics, especially the Danny Kaye ones.
Travel brochures.
Barack and Michael better pick out a place that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US.
You are right as usual, Mr. Woodman. What I haven’t seen is no one mentions that even though one leaves the country, they are still a citizen and subject to our laws… and taxes. They would first have to find a country that would take them and become a citizen of that country. Then renounce their US citizenship. Then insure there is no extradition. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks for your insight.
Well, he is already a ‘citizen of Kenya’, there is an extradition treaty with them… something he could probably work around.
I heard that FJB actually issued 8000 pardons over his 4 years, about 4 times what OBOZO did during his 8 years. Why was none of that in the news?
Questions I know the answer to I don’t have to ask right? (Hat tip to Bill Watterson, in Calvin and Hobbs)
8000 pardons?
8000 “donations”.
Many many more than that if you count all those “donations” skimmed by Act Blue.
I do think that a preemptive pardon for the next year could solve a lot of problems, I promise to be good after that. 😉
If only it was a real travel destination … then they should get one-way tickets for along, long stay.
One does not simply WALK into Mordor, but transport by tumbril might be arranged.
Zar Belk!
I really like the idea that “Orange Man” moniker can be turned around to denote the wardrobe he will impose on others.
To the guilty, “justice” can look a LOT like retribution (EVERY convicted criminal is the victim of “retribution” after all). And besides, the guilty fleeith where no man pursues (or something like that).
I’m hearing Trump used an executive order to gut Affirmative Action and the usual suspects are melting down. Maybe the +50 years of race grifting are finally winding down.
Hey, Anatoly is the Father!
Whoa. I forgot that!
Anatoly is the father!…..until we find out he isn’t:
Give her a little black mustache… who would she look like?
Another EO that needs revoking: On January 17, 1962, JFK signed Executive Order 10988, which granted federal employees the right to join unions and engage in collective bargaining over conditions of employment.
‘bama didn’t get a pardon
killary didn’t get a pardon
aoc didn’t get a pardon
most cabinet didn’t get a pardon
lots of people didn’t get pardons
lots were counting on them
lots of records to be gone through
lots of laws to be belatedly applied
much fun to be had