What about the internal mess right here in the USA? There are doubtless, tens of thousands of 7th Century savages already poised to strike on our own soil and inflict more mass casualty events like the ones in Israel on October 7th. It’s coming! Believe me!! Buy guns and ammo!!!
Sort of like that out-of-work brother-in-law that always shows up around dinner time.
October 31, 2023 at 7:41 am
Lebanon used to have a Christian. Beirut called the Paris of the middle east. When, other nations wouldn’t accept Arabian extremist. Lebanon did what they considered the Christian thing and let them in. Once they were the majority. A long civil war ensued. Now, Lebanon has a Christian minority.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
This American thinks we need to stay out of this Israel/Gaza/Palestinian kerfluffle.
And keep an eye on your foreign/import/muzzie neighbors. Muzzies have been known to “chimp out” on any perceived insult or sloght.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Would “debacle” be a better word?
October 31, 2023 at 12:39 am
Too Tall
When you plan and execute a hostage rescue mission, you have to prepare for it to become, in all or part, a hostage recovery mission.
However, even if all of the hostages are deader than Sonny Corleone at the toll booth, you need to execute the mission in such a way as to “take care of all family business,” ensuring any survivors among the enemy want nothing to do with you in the future.
Fortunately, for cults that do not share our values regarding life, their mindsets provide lots of options for fates much worse than death. Blackjack Pershing had the right idea. You must destroy that which the enemy values most.
And keep on destroying, a la Machiavelli (who knew that of which he spoke). Total destruction…and if they use their own people as shields?…well they voted them in. I have zero concern for them, just as I have zero concern for blue cities and their crime. Keep your powder dry.
I remember reading a proposal to place stabilized pig’s blood on board busses in israel. some aloha snackbar blows himself up, he goes straight to hell because he gets pig mixed in before he expires. thus, providing a disincentive to blowing themselves up on board the bus.
then someone asked “what if he just blows himself up at the bus stop?” and they said this was a long road to go down, and they stopped the idea.
Hm. But Jews don’t eat pork either — do they have the same “contact” aversion?
October 31, 2023 at 5:54 am
I have a friend who is Jewish, and when I asked him if he ate bacon, he put it like this…..when it came to bacon and pork chops, he was more…..jew-ISH….
October 31, 2023 at 1:05 pm
from what I understand jews only have a kosher rule about not eating pork. contact isn’t a problem. muslims have a kryptonite rule where any contact, at all, ever, makes you unclean. you can do something about it before you die and be OK, but if it happens AS you die…nope, sorry, go straight to hell.
October 31, 2023 at 1:04 am
Well, I would point out the moslem-“Americans” are the ones that would happily give us a choice of “convert, submit or die”.
Jewish-Americans, on the other hand, don’t come knocking on your door, trying to get you to go to church with them.
That’s why to convert to Judaism you need to ask, then take long courses, prove that you understand customs, halachial law and tradition, will probably be denied at least three times and have to prove circumcision (for males)
To convert to islam, all you have to do is say the magic words, like our clueless PM did accidentally (or maybe not accidentally ?), even under duress or threat of death, and you’re in for life…literally, apostates are to be killed without exception, and islamic circumcisions go a lot deeper and are aimed at women to ensure they don’t enjoy themselves because that would be ‘haram’.
Oldarmorer, they figure since you weren’t lucky enough to be born Jewish, that you ought to put some work into conversion.
October 31, 2023 at 1:07 am
Can’t tell if those britches are working their way down or if that butt is working its way up; hoping its the former because it will continue, but either way I like it…
once the light of freedom goes out somewhere, it’s a real bitch to get it restarted. it’s cheaper to help it stay lit than to burn the whole place down.
Many Jews eat pork…same for Islam. Different strokes…Americans quash other’s freedoms, sometimes. Generalizations start out not quite true and get worse.
Christians are a diverse group…some hate Jews, others love their fellow man. Jews have been killed by every religion, Islam just goes way overboard and makes videos.
I support our allies, and Israelis are…it’s not Israeli 3 year olds dressing up in camo and playing kill all babies. How can any human not see the schism dividing Islamic terrorists from the Nation of Israel? If you think Hamas has a point, you are already down the rabbit hole.
The difference between Kosher and ‘halal’ is that Jews won’t burn your restaurant down for putting bacon on a sandwich you sell to someone else, they just won’t order it or eat elsewhere.
The difference between Judaism and islam is like normal people and leftists.
If I don’t want something I don’t buy it, if a leftist doesn’t want something they throw a tantrum until a law is passed so that nobody else can have it either.
Thus their insistence on “Guns for me but not for Thee!”
October 31, 2023 at 4:51 pm
Very succinctly put.
October 31, 2023 at 6:01 am
Greg Miller
Just to be clear…I get the Islamic pov…I have lived in Afghanistan, ’73 – ’74 , and before that traveled slowly across North Africa, AND managed to do 7 months in Israel, early ’70s. I have worked for 3 bosses that were Islamic, and they knew I was a Jew.
911 was not done because we were at war with the Saudis…it was a direct result of fundy Islam and the mindset of an anti-infidel mindset. Show me Palis with a blue tattoo on their forearms like my bestie’s parents had, and I’ll concede Israelis are just like the Nazis.
Until then, don’t sh*t where ya eat.
When I was in High School I had teacher who taught history and he mentioned early Europeans explorers found an island that the entire population was at war. They were at war within their own tribe and within their own families. Even the children had evidence of paranoia and homicidal tendencies. I met a kid who’s parents taught him to do everything he could to get something from others. He was taught to do before “they” did to him. Both a sick and twisted attitude.
When I and my friends were taught how to fight, we were taught to defend and never to attack. Not so in both incidences. That is the difference.
From my perch, it surely must be that the inexplicably coincidental shutdown of Iron Dome coupled with the inexplicable “not knowing” of Mossad about the attack – how can any discussion about what’s going on there just sweep these glaring red flags under the rug? Surely, we are not being told what’s really been going on behind the iron curtains of 5G infowar..
I was trained as an engineer. The stories told in the profession are rife with disasters that came from some unknown dynamic like “Galloping Gertie” some intermediate modification like the KC walkway collapse, or any number of overlooked/unanticipated/or logical but false assumptions like what made the Titanic a deathtrap.
I suspect that the same will be said for the intelligence failure of Israel and the US.
We put our money and our faith into what we know, but damnit we just don’t know everything.
The greatest expense of our young nation was ransoming US ships and people from Muslims who had captured them all around the world. Thomas Jefferson negotiated with some when he was US Ambassador to France. He later had our nations first blue water navy built that killed Muslim pirates around the world. The USS Constitution was one of the US Navy’s deep water warships. Maybe 1/3 of the US budget went to Muslim pirates. The blue water fleet stopped that, and carried the US Marines to the shores of Tripoli. I will do deals with both, but aside from them fearing me and the USA, I am not concerned with what either group thinks.. America first. Then we can decide about being concerned about others.
Stopping the destruction of America and its people is first. Then other ideas can / may be considered.
Reading about the Israeli ‘intel failure’ …… always leads back to why the hell wasn’t it mandatory for every able-bodied person to be armed to the teeth instead of intentionally preventing them from defending themselves? Why?
Same old, same old. Those in power fear the people may have enough power to toss them out. Note communism, Lenin, Stalin.
Quickly kill those that put you in power; because they can also put someone else in your place.
One argument was that it opened up a supply of ‘behind the lines’ weapons to terrorists if they could steal them or otherwise take them from the owners by any means including force.
It’s like the tired old “you’re more likely to be killed by your own gun” tripe the media/leftists keeps dragging out…but they always include suicides to make that number utterly meaningless. In reality, the only way someone would be ‘killing me with my own gun’ is if it ran dry and they were physically stronger and beat me to death with it.
Back in the day, it was “millions for defense, not one cent for tribute.”
When we return to being energy independent, we won’t have to worry about the Middle East so much.
Sell Israel what they need, and let them clean up the mess.
What about the internal mess right here in the USA? There are doubtless, tens of thousands of 7th Century savages already poised to strike on our own soil and inflict more mass casualty events like the ones in Israel on October 7th. It’s coming! Believe me!! Buy guns and ammo!!!
Done deal when Big Mike/NoblamO took office. It has no “Use by” date.
The Arab states don’t want the Palestinians. When they let them in, they have a nasty habit of trying to pull coup d’etats and seize power.
Gaza and the West Bank are the Arab world’s way of making the Palestinians Somebody Else’s Problem.
The United States and Israel are the “Somebody Else”.
clear ether
The ‘red-headed stepchildren’ of the Arab world.
“We sure as hell don’t want them, but we love the way they f*** with Israel and the US!”
Sort of like that out-of-work brother-in-law that always shows up around dinner time.
Lebanon used to have a Christian. Beirut called the Paris of the middle east. When, other nations wouldn’t accept Arabian extremist. Lebanon did what they considered the Christian thing and let them in. Once they were the majority. A long civil war ensued. Now, Lebanon has a Christian minority.
This American thinks we need to stay out of this Israel/Gaza/Palestinian kerfluffle.
And keep an eye on your foreign/import/muzzie neighbors. Muzzies have been known to “chimp out” on any perceived insult or sloght.
Kerfuffle? That says it all.
Would “debacle” be a better word?
When you plan and execute a hostage rescue mission, you have to prepare for it to become, in all or part, a hostage recovery mission.
However, even if all of the hostages are deader than Sonny Corleone at the toll booth, you need to execute the mission in such a way as to “take care of all family business,” ensuring any survivors among the enemy want nothing to do with you in the future.
Fortunately, for cults that do not share our values regarding life, their mindsets provide lots of options for fates much worse than death. Blackjack Pershing had the right idea. You must destroy that which the enemy values most.
And keep on destroying, a la Machiavelli (who knew that of which he spoke). Total destruction…and if they use their own people as shields?…well they voted them in. I have zero concern for them, just as I have zero concern for blue cities and their crime. Keep your powder dry.
Getting killed by cast bullets with lard-based lube- – – – -a moose-limb’s worst nightmare.
I remember reading a proposal to place stabilized pig’s blood on board busses in israel. some aloha snackbar blows himself up, he goes straight to hell because he gets pig mixed in before he expires. thus, providing a disincentive to blowing themselves up on board the bus.
then someone asked “what if he just blows himself up at the bus stop?” and they said this was a long road to go down, and they stopped the idea.
Hm. But Jews don’t eat pork either — do they have the same “contact” aversion?
I have a friend who is Jewish, and when I asked him if he ate bacon, he put it like this…..when it came to bacon and pork chops, he was more…..jew-ISH….
from what I understand jews only have a kosher rule about not eating pork. contact isn’t a problem. muslims have a kryptonite rule where any contact, at all, ever, makes you unclean. you can do something about it before you die and be OK, but if it happens AS you die…nope, sorry, go straight to hell.
Well, I would point out the moslem-“Americans” are the ones that would happily give us a choice of “convert, submit or die”.
Jewish-Americans, on the other hand, don’t come knocking on your door, trying to get you to go to church with them.
That’s why to convert to Judaism you need to ask, then take long courses, prove that you understand customs, halachial law and tradition, will probably be denied at least three times and have to prove circumcision (for males)
To convert to islam, all you have to do is say the magic words, like our clueless PM did accidentally (or maybe not accidentally ?), even under duress or threat of death, and you’re in for life…literally, apostates are to be killed without exception, and islamic circumcisions go a lot deeper and are aimed at women to ensure they don’t enjoy themselves because that would be ‘haram’.
Oldarmorer, they figure since you weren’t lucky enough to be born Jewish, that you ought to put some work into conversion.
Can’t tell if those britches are working their way down or if that butt is working its way up; hoping its the former because it will continue, but either way I like it…
Definitely her momma’s daughter!
Finally! An on-point comment. What is most important in the DBDverse is keeping that “hate to see’em go but love to watch’em leave” perspective.
Chris’s girls look good comin’ and goin’!
Zar Belk!
once the light of freedom goes out somewhere, it’s a real bitch to get it restarted. it’s cheaper to help it stay lit than to burn the whole place down.
Many Jews eat pork…same for Islam. Different strokes…Americans quash other’s freedoms, sometimes. Generalizations start out not quite true and get worse.
Christians are a diverse group…some hate Jews, others love their fellow man. Jews have been killed by every religion, Islam just goes way overboard and makes videos.
I support our allies, and Israelis are…it’s not Israeli 3 year olds dressing up in camo and playing kill all babies. How can any human not see the schism dividing Islamic terrorists from the Nation of Israel? If you think Hamas has a point, you are already down the rabbit hole.
The difference between Kosher and ‘halal’ is that Jews won’t burn your restaurant down for putting bacon on a sandwich you sell to someone else, they just won’t order it or eat elsewhere.
The difference between Judaism and islam is like normal people and leftists.
If I don’t want something I don’t buy it, if a leftist doesn’t want something they throw a tantrum until a law is passed so that nobody else can have it either.
Thus their insistence on “Guns for me but not for Thee!”
Very succinctly put.
Just to be clear…I get the Islamic pov…I have lived in Afghanistan, ’73 – ’74 , and before that traveled slowly across North Africa, AND managed to do 7 months in Israel, early ’70s. I have worked for 3 bosses that were Islamic, and they knew I was a Jew.
911 was not done because we were at war with the Saudis…it was a direct result of fundy Islam and the mindset of an anti-infidel mindset. Show me Palis with a blue tattoo on their forearms like my bestie’s parents had, and I’ll concede Israelis are just like the Nazis.
Until then, don’t sh*t where ya eat.
When I was in High School I had teacher who taught history and he mentioned early Europeans explorers found an island that the entire population was at war. They were at war within their own tribe and within their own families. Even the children had evidence of paranoia and homicidal tendencies. I met a kid who’s parents taught him to do everything he could to get something from others. He was taught to do before “they” did to him. Both a sick and twisted attitude.
When I and my friends were taught how to fight, we were taught to defend and never to attack. Not so in both incidences. That is the difference.
Those sick societies are a danger to everyone.
From my perch, it surely must be that the inexplicably coincidental shutdown of Iron Dome coupled with the inexplicable “not knowing” of Mossad about the attack – how can any discussion about what’s going on there just sweep these glaring red flags under the rug? Surely, we are not being told what’s really been going on behind the iron curtains of 5G infowar..
Pretty ironic though for us to talk about others failures to prep, and worse, prep for planned defeat. Learn from it maybe? Think you are ready? Not.
I was trained as an engineer. The stories told in the profession are rife with disasters that came from some unknown dynamic like “Galloping Gertie” some intermediate modification like the KC walkway collapse, or any number of overlooked/unanticipated/or logical but false assumptions like what made the Titanic a deathtrap.
I suspect that the same will be said for the intelligence failure of Israel and the US.
We put our money and our faith into what we know, but damnit we just don’t know everything.
The greatest expense of our young nation was ransoming US ships and people from Muslims who had captured them all around the world. Thomas Jefferson negotiated with some when he was US Ambassador to France. He later had our nations first blue water navy built that killed Muslim pirates around the world. The USS Constitution was one of the US Navy’s deep water warships. Maybe 1/3 of the US budget went to Muslim pirates. The blue water fleet stopped that, and carried the US Marines to the shores of Tripoli. I will do deals with both, but aside from them fearing me and the USA, I am not concerned with what either group thinks.. America first. Then we can decide about being concerned about others.
Stopping the destruction of America and its people is first. Then other ideas can / may be considered.
Reading about the Israeli ‘intel failure’ …… always leads back to why the hell wasn’t it mandatory for every able-bodied person to be armed to the teeth instead of intentionally preventing them from defending themselves? Why?
Same old, same old. Those in power fear the people may have enough power to toss them out. Note communism, Lenin, Stalin.
Quickly kill those that put you in power; because they can also put someone else in your place.
One argument was that it opened up a supply of ‘behind the lines’ weapons to terrorists if they could steal them or otherwise take them from the owners by any means including force.
It’s like the tired old “you’re more likely to be killed by your own gun” tripe the media/leftists keeps dragging out…but they always include suicides to make that number utterly meaningless. In reality, the only way someone would be ‘killing me with my own gun’ is if it ran dry and they were physically stronger and beat me to death with it.
Virtue signalling.
Off topic: Getting cold on the mainland, Hawaii here they come: “Provide asylum-seekers with free, one-way tickets to anywhere in the world.”