As I stood there by the stage, with my hands clenched in fists of rage. No angel born in hell could break that Satan’s spell. And as the fire grew through the night, I saw Satan laughing with delight.
Something like that. Here’s the full quote as it is available:
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin
So, should God decide to clean house of the chaff, dross and grot, would they demand a Special Counsel to Impeach God,,, for interfering in the election?
Decapitate and burn all remains, it’s the only way.
November 11, 2018 at 10:56 am
I live in Louisiana where a map of the polling places in New Orleans sync with the cemeteries there. My wife passed in March of last year and every time I vote, I check to make sure her name isn’t listed under mine and also check our Secretary of State’s office, via their website, by typing in her data, seemingly to change an address or party affiliation, just to try and make sure her name hasn’t been hijacked by the Collective and she’s ‘voting’ Democrat somewhere.
Between the GOP primaries and Election Day 2016, we both changed from Republican (to vote for Cruz in our primary) to independent/no party. I may have to change it back.
In the last two weeks, I’ve gotten two text messages to my cell, addressed to her. The first was from a local member of urging her to support the ‘blue wave’ on Election Day. I took great pride/pleasure in texting back, “While I can appreciate your efforts, Robin was my wife. She founded the Baton Rouge Tea Party in 2009. We were, and I always will be a Conservative so you can imagine how I’ll vote. Please remove her name and my phone number from your caller lists. Hope you have a blessed day.” Last Monday I got a similar text from another Leftist group. I replied with a screenshot I’ve saved of my reply to the first call.
Shows another reason why I miss her… her sense of humor. I was curious how they got her name and my number mixed up but a couple of days ago I realized that when she changed her voter registration to independent, she used my phone number instead of hers, knowing that our contact data would be made available to both sides of the ‘war’. She knew what could happen.
Sure hope she enjoyed her little joke. And is pleased with my response.
November 11, 2018 at 11:18 am
I don’t mean to offend, but your wife’s sense of humor might support this: Respond “ Over my dead body!” and sign her name.
November 11, 2018 at 10:10 pm
That would definitely be her style.
November 11, 2018 at 1:32 pm
My condolences on the loss of your wife. Thoughts & prayers.
To be completely honest, I could get behind restoring the voting rights (and the gun rights, and all other rights) of ex-prisoners who have completed both incarceration and probation. Originally in our country, when a man had served his time, he was deemed to have fully paid his debt. But it doesn’t make any more sense to allow the *incarcerated* to vote than it would to allow them arms.
And you’ll notice a strange lack of Democrat pressure groups organized to return the *gun* rights of prisoners after completion of parole. Only the “right” that has something in it for Democrats. Cuz that’s Social Justice.
JTC~~ I wonder if there would even be an issue regarding the Vote count if Disney said they would close down should Gillum be elected. His 40% plus proposed tax increase on Businesses to give Medicare for all is lunacy. He’s not real bright or as my Dad use to say “He’s not working with a full sea bag.”
They think they will win in Fl and GA, but too many people are watching them. They have been caught, and NBC has filed a suit due to their people being threatened by the people trying to steal the election in Broward/Miami-Dade.
The fact that Snipes was on trial for destroying ballots and the entire double ballot cheat she tried in 2016, and the multiple offenses since 2000 and the Gore recounts…
Nope. It goes to Nelson and Gullem now, there will be a firestorm, with MAGA/Conservative marching in the streets shouting ‘Not my Governor/Senator!’…
You should be ashamed of yourself, Chris Muir, for the despicable act of character assassination in the above “cartoon.” Have you no decency? Have you no shame? Is there no depth to which you will not stoop in order to make a political point? How you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror every morning after this is beyond comprehension. You, sir, have hopelessly besmirched the reputations of four of history’s finest ordinary, decent despots and tyrants — Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler –by lumping them together with septic discharge like Gore, Franken, Obama, et al. Fie on you, sirrah, fie on you!
Good one sir, and those earlier ones while quite insane at least were their own muse, unlike any of those later puppets.
Which may explain why all of the former were defeated within a few years while the latter morph and regenerate over and over. Why?
And what gives them such sway over “culture”, media, and academia? Unless we can figure that out, it’s going to be a long and unpleasant slog going forward, even when we are ostensibly in the driver’s seat.
Give me a Hitler to hate and destroy any day to this multi-headed serpent of leftism.
The more “The Franchise” is abused the more I think maybe Heinlein was right.
The right to vote and hold public office should be reserved solely to those who can _prove_ they are willing to actually risk their own lives to serve the public.
I’ll admit what he admitted, that the solution wasn’t perfect, but it would go a long way in the right direction.
I’d also love to see some kind of real scientific study contrasting prison time to simple flogging or other corporal punishment as an effective means of crime suppression. But I’m afraid the latter may not be effective. We have no real memory of pain, otherwise the pain of childbirth would put a quick end to the human race.
November 11, 2018 at 7:43 am
Delilah T
The treaty to end the War to End All Wars was signed at 5 AM local time, 100 years ago today. But Pershing sent the troops out because (he said) he didn’t know whether or not the Armistice had been (or would be) signed. More people were killed. More shelling went on, until finally at 11:00/11/11/1918, it ended.
Those slimy things up in the cartoon should be careful what they wish for. They are simply not up to it.
Animal Farm was intended to be a cautionary tale… Likewise, Orwell’s “1984” yet it seems like social justice wankers are using them as an instruction manuals.
Meanwhile, the libertarians are rolling their eyes and saying “You know, if you’d just reduce the size and scope of government rather than continually ramping it up then these things wouldn’t matter nearly as much and everyone could just calm the fuck down.”
But, no. Progressives and so-called “conservatives” keep making government bigger, which means the pot of things to fight over is that much larger and the battles over it that much more intense.
In viewing that bunch of giggling numbskulls, I think Puck said it best: What fools these mortals be!
Let them laugh! They seem to not know that everything ripens in its time and becomes fruit at its hour… and their hour has passed. Fruit’s been consumed and in some cases, sold off.
The next part of the cycle is underway. I hope they have plenty of tissues to soak up their tears.
Really, do you want to live near anyone who verbally abuses your teenage daughter in the most vulgar, heinous way while you and your family are out to dinner?
No. Me neither.
Let them laugh and dance their jigs. They are blinded by their own conceit.
As I stood there by the stage, with my hands clenched in fists of rage. No angel born in hell could break that Satan’s spell. And as the fire grew through the night, I saw Satan laughing with delight.
Seems fitting.
A slight correction in the first line:
And as I watched him on the stage
Oh, to have a time machine……..
Wasn’t it Stalin who said, “It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.”
Something like that. Here’s the full quote as it is available:
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin
The same concept. As so often happens, rhetorical devices , such as in this case, Chiasmus, do not translate at all.
Thank you
Johnny Rocco explains voting in Florida
So, should God decide to clean house of the chaff, dross and grot, would they demand a Special Counsel to Impeach God,,, for interfering in the election?
I have no doubt they’d try.
Looks like a target rich environment.
I don’t see Brenda Snipes in that picture.
That’s just the big names in vote “counting.” There are plenty more “little fish!”
Time for a snipe(s) hunt?
I hate to keep bringing this one up but…
it also helps if we stop people who shouldn’t be voting.
You mean like the Dead? Yeah, those pesky zombies keep showing up at the polls.
Double taps for all.
Decapitate and burn all remains, it’s the only way.
I live in Louisiana where a map of the polling places in New Orleans sync with the cemeteries there. My wife passed in March of last year and every time I vote, I check to make sure her name isn’t listed under mine and also check our Secretary of State’s office, via their website, by typing in her data, seemingly to change an address or party affiliation, just to try and make sure her name hasn’t been hijacked by the Collective and she’s ‘voting’ Democrat somewhere.
Between the GOP primaries and Election Day 2016, we both changed from Republican (to vote for Cruz in our primary) to independent/no party. I may have to change it back.
In the last two weeks, I’ve gotten two text messages to my cell, addressed to her. The first was from a local member of urging her to support the ‘blue wave’ on Election Day. I took great pride/pleasure in texting back, “While I can appreciate your efforts, Robin was my wife. She founded the Baton Rouge Tea Party in 2009. We were, and I always will be a Conservative so you can imagine how I’ll vote. Please remove her name and my phone number from your caller lists. Hope you have a blessed day.” Last Monday I got a similar text from another Leftist group. I replied with a screenshot I’ve saved of my reply to the first call.
Shows another reason why I miss her… her sense of humor. I was curious how they got her name and my number mixed up but a couple of days ago I realized that when she changed her voter registration to independent, she used my phone number instead of hers, knowing that our contact data would be made available to both sides of the ‘war’. She knew what could happen.
Sure hope she enjoyed her little joke. And is pleased with my response.
I don’t mean to offend, but your wife’s sense of humor might support this: Respond “ Over my dead body!” and sign her name.
That would definitely be her style.
My condolences on the loss of your wife. Thoughts & prayers.
Thanks Wayne. I appreciate it.
You had to go and make me do it;
This has to be what’s happening in the Florida vote count.
It’s slow because the Democrats have to dig them up first.
Water table. Have to wring ’em out. No one likes a drippy zombie…
Oh, Democrats are already ranged on that battle line, too.
To be completely honest, I could get behind restoring the voting rights (and the gun rights, and all other rights) of ex-prisoners who have completed both incarceration and probation. Originally in our country, when a man had served his time, he was deemed to have fully paid his debt. But it doesn’t make any more sense to allow the *incarcerated* to vote than it would to allow them arms.
And you’ll notice a strange lack of Democrat pressure groups organized to return the *gun* rights of prisoners after completion of parole. Only the “right” that has something in it for Democrats. Cuz that’s Social Justice.
If Fla wasn’t so flat I’d say I wonder if they’ve picked this hill to die on…
JTC~~ I wonder if there would even be an issue regarding the Vote count if Disney said they would close down should Gillum be elected. His 40% plus proposed tax increase on Businesses to give Medicare for all is lunacy. He’s not real bright or as my Dad use to say “He’s not working with a full sea bag.”
They think they will win in Fl and GA, but too many people are watching them. They have been caught, and NBC has filed a suit due to their people being threatened by the people trying to steal the election in Broward/Miami-Dade.
The fact that Snipes was on trial for destroying ballots and the entire double ballot cheat she tried in 2016, and the multiple offenses since 2000 and the Gore recounts…
Nope. It goes to Nelson and Gullem now, there will be a firestorm, with MAGA/Conservative marching in the streets shouting ‘Not my Governor/Senator!’…
You should be ashamed of yourself, Chris Muir, for the despicable act of character assassination in the above “cartoon.” Have you no decency? Have you no shame? Is there no depth to which you will not stoop in order to make a political point? How you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror every morning after this is beyond comprehension. You, sir, have hopelessly besmirched the reputations of four of history’s finest ordinary, decent despots and tyrants — Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler –by lumping them together with septic discharge like Gore, Franken, Obama, et al. Fie on you, sirrah, fie on you!
Well played!
Good one sir, and those earlier ones while quite insane at least were their own muse, unlike any of those later puppets.
Which may explain why all of the former were defeated within a few years while the latter morph and regenerate over and over. Why?
And what gives them such sway over “culture”, media, and academia? Unless we can figure that out, it’s going to be a long and unpleasant slog going forward, even when we are ostensibly in the driver’s seat.
Give me a Hitler to hate and destroy any day to this multi-headed serpent of leftism.
It’s the 10th of November Chris. You could’ve done a Marine Corps Birthday strip. 243 years proud…
Um, no, it’s the 11th. You lost a day.
Humor: Gillum, Nelson Lawyers Fight To Include Non-Citizen’s Vote In Florida
I ain’t laughing.
The more “The Franchise” is abused the more I think maybe Heinlein was right.
The right to vote and hold public office should be reserved solely to those who can _prove_ they are willing to actually risk their own lives to serve the public.
I’ll admit what he admitted, that the solution wasn’t perfect, but it would go a long way in the right direction.
I’d also love to see some kind of real scientific study contrasting prison time to simple flogging or other corporal punishment as an effective means of crime suppression. But I’m afraid the latter may not be effective. We have no real memory of pain, otherwise the pain of childbirth would put a quick end to the human race.
The treaty to end the War to End All Wars was signed at 5 AM local time, 100 years ago today. But Pershing sent the troops out because (he said) he didn’t know whether or not the Armistice had been (or would be) signed. More people were killed. More shelling went on, until finally at 11:00/11/11/1918, it ended.
Those slimy things up in the cartoon should be careful what they wish for. They are simply not up to it.
True that ! Sigh…
Lenin referred to socialists as ( useful idiot’s ) then he had them shot.
Gotta’ be careful there.
I heard that (eg) Animal Farm was initially intended to be a cautionary tale. Also see: To Serve Man
Indeed it was, until his idiot countrymen decided to use it as an instruction manual instead.
Animal Farm was intended to be a cautionary tale… Likewise, Orwell’s “1984” yet it seems like social justice wankers are using them as an instruction manuals.
Sorry, Henry… I got distracted making coffee and you got in ahead of me.
More of a challenge than either a caution or manual I think…
“No, see *those* collectivists made mistakes; *we* can do it right.
They are quite insane you know.
Meanwhile, the libertarians are rolling their eyes and saying “You know, if you’d just reduce the size and scope of government rather than continually ramping it up then these things wouldn’t matter nearly as much and everyone could just calm the fuck down.”
But, no. Progressives and so-called “conservatives” keep making government bigger, which means the pot of things to fight over is that much larger and the battles over it that much more intense.
Chris- Amazed you were able to squeeze Abrams in there. There’s a lot to go around.
In viewing that bunch of giggling numbskulls, I think Puck said it best: What fools these mortals be!
Let them laugh! They seem to not know that everything ripens in its time and becomes fruit at its hour… and their hour has passed. Fruit’s been consumed and in some cases, sold off.
The next part of the cycle is underway. I hope they have plenty of tissues to soak up their tears.
Really, do you want to live near anyone who verbally abuses your teenage daughter in the most vulgar, heinous way while you and your family are out to dinner?
No. Me neither.
Let them laugh and dance their jigs. They are blinded by their own conceit.
In case anyone is interested, Shakespeare stole what Puck said from Seneca.
Shakespeare figured it was cool because more than 300 years after Seneca died, the Church decided Seneca must have been a Christian.