“Ant” is another (equally valid) pronunciation for the sister of one’s mother; “Ah-unt” isn’t the only one. And as my own “Ant” attested, they are certainly not all “small”.
That sure isn’t the old swimmin’ hole of yore, Chris. When did the DD Get a lake/river, in S. Texas? And Skye seems to finally have seen the Light, after feeling the Heat…. ready to paIr off with a good man, full time?
I’m waiting with bathèd breath to see how the two distinct looks (i.e., as in the expressions portrayed in their eyes) of the twins play out in the development of their personalities and actions and activities.
I might describe the difference (so far anyway) as that one has a kind of world-wise, wry, and knowing “Huh…” gaze with pursed lips, while the other has a wide-wondered, awry, unknowing “Huh??” glaze with open-mouthed bewilderment.
The former, more likely to wander knowingly — or rather, dive intentionally perhaps? — into trouble, the latter to wander unknowing into same. The possibilities for adventure between the two, endless…
I finally kicked in. It wasn’t much but I just had to do it for all the enjoyment DBD brings me every morning. It is my first stop every day. Thanks Chris for all your hard work.
Yes sir Brent, it’s those “choice”, “freedom”, “respect”, and “rights” thingies the progs just can’t get their elitist heads around. And that is the source of many thinking (not you I hope) that conservatives somehow think you should not have that right. Get the jab, don’t get the jab, the choice is yours and yours alone.
Auntie and Uncle are terms often used among certain Asian cultures to describe older males and females no matter the relation.
I was reminded of that in one of my favorite movies “Crazy Rich Asians.”
I have never been in or through DC. in spite of many invitations that I have all turned down. Others may have craved such invites. But it involved actually going into DC to get to their offices. I prefer individual conversation when attempting actual mind changing by education and reasoning rather that the enemy buying methods. The Bidens are the type of people why I avoid DC. Thank Gd that I have never met any Biden. I did shake LBJ’s hand when I was a small child after he landed in Marine One near our house on his way to a meeting.
I bet there are some mighty fine catches to be made at that lake.
I’m currently in The Philippines with extended family. And yes … I seem to be “uncle” to many around here.
As far as fine catches go … I was just thinking that the right kind of bait or lure would work. Like a .223 or .556 round tied to the fishing line of a good pole. Cast off … then start reelin’ in!
I just couldn’t resist posting this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTROMPq1SAA
Chris, you know I love the silhouettes…but damn dude!
Oh, and “Ant Skye”? A deserved, if unintentional, diminutive right there.
Karl doesn’t have that kind of I in his AI does he? But, I’ve always figured Javier is monitoring the situation through him, just in case of trouble.
“Ant” is another (equally valid) pronunciation for the sister of one’s mother; “Ah-unt” isn’t the only one. And as my own “Ant” attested, they are certainly not all “small”.
My favorite, due to the kind of jarring cultural disconnect, was from the mouths of even the least proper black girls…”On-Tee”.
But from Muir, nah I’m going with typo. He knows he can’t escape the parsing (ha!) and pedantry out here.
And yeah, as to pronunciation it’s always “ant” for regular Americans. Except of course, the rednecks amongst whom I sprung, it’s “aint”.
But as to the spelling…
Brilliant. Big smile.
That sure isn’t the old swimmin’ hole of yore, Chris. When did the DD Get a lake/river, in S. Texas? And Skye seems to finally have seen the Light, after feeling the Heat…. ready to paIr off with a good man, full time?
I’m waiting with bathèd breath to see how the two distinct looks (i.e., as in the expressions portrayed in their eyes) of the twins play out in the development of their personalities and actions and activities.
I might describe the difference (so far anyway) as that one has a kind of world-wise, wry, and knowing “Huh…” gaze with pursed lips, while the other has a wide-wondered, awry, unknowing “Huh??” glaze with open-mouthed bewilderment.
The former, more likely to wander knowingly — or rather, dive intentionally perhaps? — into trouble, the latter to wander unknowing into same. The possibilities for adventure between the two, endless…
We’ll see…
I finally kicked in. It wasn’t much but I just had to do it for all the enjoyment DBD brings me every morning. It is my first stop every day. Thanks Chris for all your hard work.
So many ‘terminator’ quotes, only one you can’t use here…
“Your clothes, give them to me”
Of course, he could be the doorman for new arrivals.
oh they feel fear. it’s the only motivation they have.
I think of “Arnie” as, “Screw your freedoms Arnie” now. It’ll be a long time (if ever) that I watch one of his movies again.
I made the PERSONAL CHOICE to get the shots but fully respect other people’s freedom to make their own choices.
Yes sir Brent, it’s those “choice”, “freedom”, “respect”, and “rights” thingies the progs just can’t get their elitist heads around. And that is the source of many thinking (not you I hope) that conservatives somehow think you should not have that right. Get the jab, don’t get the jab, the choice is yours and yours alone.
Does “Karl” ” Blorp”? A different exterior might startle the yung’uns a bit less.
The yung’uns have already been startled by a large chrome “Blorp.”
To their enlightenment.
Auntie and Uncle are terms often used among certain Asian cultures to describe older males and females no matter the relation.
I was reminded of that in one of my favorite movies “Crazy Rich Asians.”
I have never been in or through DC. in spite of many invitations that I have all turned down. Others may have craved such invites. But it involved actually going into DC to get to their offices. I prefer individual conversation when attempting actual mind changing by education and reasoning rather that the enemy buying methods. The Bidens are the type of people why I avoid DC. Thank Gd that I have never met any Biden. I did shake LBJ’s hand when I was a small child after he landed in Marine One near our house on his way to a meeting.
I bet there are some mighty fine catches to be made at that lake.
Just think how many aunts & uncles Hunter must have…
I’m currently in The Philippines with extended family. And yes … I seem to be “uncle” to many around here.
As far as fine catches go … I was just thinking that the right kind of bait or lure would work. Like a .223 or .556 round tied to the fishing line of a good pole. Cast off … then start reelin’ in!