August 4, 2016 Leftovers. Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Barack Obama, Corruption & Graft, Progressives, Statist Takeover
July 20, 2016 Hands On President. Share: Tag:Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Progressives, Statist Takeover
July 8, 2016 Rotten Egg. Share: Tag:Americans, Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Hypocrisy, Statist Takeover
June 14, 2016 The Storm. Share: Tag:Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Islamic fanaticism, Political Correctness
April 13, 2016 Who’s on First? Share: Tag:Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Family, Progressives, Statist Takeover
February 9, 2016 It’s Elementary. Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Corruption & Graft, Progressives, Statist Takeover
February 8, 2016 The Vape of Words. Share: Tag:Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives, Social Justice Warriors, Statist Takeover
December 20, 2015 Because I Don’t Need to draw a Picture. Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, RINOS, Statist Takeover
October 14, 2015 Hanoi Hillary. Share: Tag:Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Incompetence, Progressives
September 30, 2015 The Flock. Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Islamic fanaticism
September 23, 2015 Indian Giver. Share: Tag:Barack Obama, Corruption & Graft, Hypocrisy, Progressives
September 20, 2015 Careful What You Wish For… Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Barack Obama, Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Hypocrisy, Progressives
September 3, 2015 Just Us®. Share: Tag:Barack Obama, Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Political Correctness, Progressives, Statist Takeover
September 1, 2015 Ranch Dressing. Share: Tag:Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Progressives, Statist Takeover
August 29, 2015 Game of Thrones. Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Corruption & Graft, Culture Wars, Progressives
August 14, 2015 Suck IT. Share: Tag:Arrogance & Elitism, Communication, Corruption & Graft, Men & Women, Progressives